Coco lives with brothers Chino and Rolex. The affectionate boys are growing fast and will soon have lovely long manes.


David and his sister Rapunzel were voluntarily handed over by a circus owner in Peru who pledged to go completely animal-free. At the circus they shared a cage, now at the ADI rescue centre in Peru they have a lot more room and toys to call their own. They will be...


Easy currently lives with Shakira at the ADI rescue centre in Peru. Her favourite thing is rolling around in fresh hay. Despite her name she is quite a serious lady.


Just like this name suggests, Iron is cool, calm and collected. He seems to be dreaming of his forever home at the Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary as he can often be seen “running” in his sleep


Liso was a gentle and friendly lion. He lived very happily with Josè at the ADI rescue centre in Peru. The two lived together at their forever home at Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary. Liso & Jose: Rest in peace post: Thank you for your concern, your kind words, and...


Jose was a friendly lion who lived very happily alongside Liso. Liso & Jose: Rest in peace post: Thank you for your concern, your kind words, and support. It’s time to #standtogether.We were “just” a sanctuary. This… Publiée par Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary...
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