General Items

Binoculars Two-way radios Tools: pliers (vise grip, side cutters) combination spanners hammers (claw and engineering types) drill bits (wood, metal and masonry) screwdrivers and screwdriver bits (slotted and Philips various sizes) chisels files (both wood and metal...

Onsite clinic

2 stainless steal trolleys with lockable castors 2 stainless steal theatre tables with lockable castors Theatre lights Gas geyser


Farm Tractor Tyres for vehicles

Items for Volunteers

8 seater to transport volunteers to and from OR Tambo to Emoya Vending machine (for volunteers) (we don’t have the man power to man a tuck shop!) Hot beverage vending machine Water cooler Speed queen washer and dryer for volunteers village Gas stove for volunteers...
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